Sector for Arts, Ministry of Culture



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The Sector for Arts within the Creativity Directorate, Ministry of Culture covers performing arts, music arts, dance, visual arts, architecture and design, and intermedia arts (new media).

It provides guidelines and regulations, and prepares the calls for cultural institutions and non-governmental organisations working in these fields.

For the period 2014–2017 the 32 organisations have been selected for the programme support (12 organisations from the field of music, 8 performing arts organisations, 7 organisations engaged in architecture, design or visual arts, and 5 organisations from the field of intermedia (new media art). The ministry announces also a call for a 2-year support for cultural projects (e.g. festivals) and an annual project call for smaller producers or individuals.

Funding related to literature and publishing has been performed by the Slovenian Book Agency, while the national cultural programme in the sphere of film is implemented by the Slovenian Film Centre.

See also

External link

Sektor za umetnost, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
Sektor za umetnost, Ministrstvo za kulturo RS +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Maistrova 10 +
The Sector for Arts within the Creativity Directorate, Ministry of Culture covers performing arts, music arts, dance, visual arts, architecture and design, and intermedia arts (new media). +
The Sector for Arts within the Creativity Directorate, Ministry of Culture covers performing arts, music arts, dance, visual arts, architecture and design, and intermedia arts (new media). +
+386 / 1 369 5900 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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